When all students and graduates have perfect GPAs and excellent recommendations, Personal Branding can be a great asset to set yourself apart by amplifying your skills and setting yourself up for success.

Let’s explore the benefits of personal Branding and how it’s more vital than ever.

Personal Branding Promotion Image.

Should I have a Personal Brand as Fresh Graduate and Student?

Yes. Most people believe they don't have a personal brand or can't have one since they lack experience. That's where they are wrong.

You already have a brand.

Your brand can comprise of

  • Online presence on social media 
  • Reputation: Your opinion by teachers, academics and peers. 
  • Student Performance: Grades, extracurricular activities etc.

Think about what people are doing on Facebook today. They’re keeping up with their friends and family, but they’re also building an image and identity for themselves, which in a sense is their brand.

Read the article importance of personal branding to explore more.

Employers and University Recruiters Google You.

Whether you like it or not, prospective employers and university recruiters google you to see how they represent themselves and whether or not they align with their values.

According to a Survey done by career builder, 48% of employers rejected candidates because of their online presence; 33% of employers hired the candidate's website conveyed a professional image;

Brand yourself for the career you want, not the job you have.

Differentiate yourself from your peers.

Recruiters are always looking for something special in a candidate, and Personal Branding can help you stand out from the crowd by amplifying your individuality and making you memorable.

According to a Survey done by career builder,

  • Seven in ten employers (70%) use social networking sites to research job candidates during hiring process;
  • 33% of employers hired the candidate's website conveyed a professional image;
  • 22% of employers found Job candidates had interacted with the company's social media accounts;
  • 21% of employers found Job candidates posted compelling videos or other content;

To build trust and credibility, leading to more opportunities.

Managing your Branding connects you to your prospective recruiters, peers, and future prospective employers, where you can showcase your authenticity your seriousness in achieving the goal.

Personal Branding is not about pretending to be a perfect person. It's being real to the world with your flaws and fortes.

Most companies hire candidates with a better personal brand that can complement their Brand. And it can be a great tool when your passion does not align with your chosen academic and can lead to more opportunities.

In today's world, where everyone is looking for an advantage in career growth, having a strong personal brand can make all the difference.

Want help with building your brand.