In today’s job market, where every employer is looking for a reason not to hire full-time, Personal Branding can give you the extra advantage to attract, impress and win employers.

Personal Branding for career growth promotional Image.

Let us explore the top 5 reasons why personal Branding is important to experienced professionals:

1. Set yourself as an expert in your niche

Most employers consider Personal Branding a leadership requirement rather than a self-promoting tool. Branding can be a great tool to keep your employers updated and impressed and show skills and experiences which you might not be able­ to offer in the work environment.

Developing your personal brand is the same thing as living and breathing your resume.

2. Stand out from the crowd.

When there is intense competition from your peers - who have the same skills, expertise and exemplary credentials, a better, stronger personal brand can make a lasting impression on an employer.

According to a 2018 Survey done by career builder, wherein:

  • 33% of employers hired the candidate's website conveyed a professional image;
  • 22% of employers found Job candidates had interacted with the company's social media accounts;
  • 21% of employers found Job candidates posted compelling videos or other content;
  • 18% of employers found Job candidates had a large number of followers or subscribers;

3. Generate More Opportunities

As more employers find potential employees online, a stronger personal brand can open new career opportunities like speaking engagements, sales, leads, promotional campaigns etc.

Visibility creates opportunities.

More companies hire candidates with a better personal brand complementing their own.

4. Build Trust and Credibility

With a consistent and unique brand, people are more likely to recognise you and your expertise. Hence establishing trust, credibility and bankability in the long run.

5. Have more Control and Power.

If you don't develop your brand, someone else will do it for you, and you will have no control over it. And most often, assumptions and negative aspects will dominate your brand. 

According to a 2018 Survey done by career builder, wherein. 

  • 48% of employers rejected candidates because of their online presence;
  • Seven in ten employers (70%) use social networking sites to research job candidates during the hiring process
  • And further, more than 50% of employers monitor them online even after hiring them.

And your social media usage without thought or intentional use will only negatively impact your future career growth.

Whether you are looking for a promotion or a new job, managing your brand is crucial for setting yourself up for a successful career.

Want help with building your brand.