Google keeps changing their procedure, so please note the article was last updated on 16 Oct 2022.

In this article, we will learn the steps to sign up for a Google Workspace Account for your Business with domain. You will also verify your domain and add MX Records to activate Gmail.

  1. Open a web browser in incognito or private mode. Click on Supported browsers for Google Workspace for more detail.
  2. Go to the Google Workspace pricing
  3. Click on Get Started on the plan you want to sign up for or Start Trial in the top right corner if available. For this article, we have chosen Business Standard. Get 10% Off by using the below coupons:
    • Google Workspace Business Starter Plan: 6AHDEQLMXG4J7UK
    • Google Workspace Business Standard Plan: NA3EAAL7APRRYY6
    Google Workspace Pricing and Plan details
  4. On Sign up page, fill in the following details and click on Next
    • Business Name - Enter your official business Name
    • Number of Employees - Select the employees currently employed.
    • Region - Select the country where the organization exists. Remember, once you select the country, you might be unable to change it later. Click on Google Workspace Data regions for more information on regions and how to choose them. 
    Google Workspace Signup start
  5. At the next screen, enter the administrator information such as: 
    • First name- Enter your first name
    • Surname- Enter your last name
    • Current email address - Enter the valid email address you can access; it need not be a work email address.
    Google Workspace add admin info
  6. Click NEXT. This takes you to the screen to choose the domain. 
    1. Click on No, I need One. Google Workspace check if u have domain
    2. Enter your desired domain name at the domain search screen, click on the search icon or press enter on the keyboard. Google will now check to see if that domain is registered or not.  Google search search for domain availability
    3. After choosing the domain, click on NextGoogle Workspace domain confirmed
    4. At the domain registration page, enter the domain owner's address (Usually a business address) and Phone number and click NEXT. Google Workspace signup enter business address
    5. Here you can choose whether you want to receive occasional emails from Google.  Google Workspace Signup Promotional subscription
    6. Once you make these choices, you must now create a Google Workspace administrator account with with an email address, e.g. admin@yourdomain and a password, and tick the I’m not a robot box. Click Agree and Continue. Google Workspace admin create
    7. Review your payment plan, and click NEXT. In a few next few steps, you will be asked to make a payment.
    8. The next screen will indicate that a Your Google Workspace account has been created. From here, click Continue to admin console or Continue to setupGoogle Workspace account created
    9. Note:

      • You will receive three email notifications to inform you that your account is ready to use. 
      • You may also receive an email from your domain registrar asking you to verify your email address. Please follow steps detailed in email.
    1. Click on Yes, I have one that I can use. 
    2. Google Workspace choose if you have domain
    3. At the domain setup screen, add your domain and click on NextGoogle Workspace add domain
    4. Here you can choose whether you want to receive occasional emails from Google.  Google Workspace Signup Promotional subscription
    5. Once you make these choices, you must now create a Google Workspace administrator account with an email address, e.g. admin@yourdomain and a password, and tick the I’m not a robot box. Click Agree and Continue. Google Workspace admin create
    6. The next screen will indicate that a Your Google Workspace account has been created. From here, click Continue to setup. Google Workspace account created
  7. You have successfully registered for google workspace account. Now let’s activate Gmail and verify the domain. At the setup tool, Click Next and Follow the instruction displayed on the Google Workspace console welcome page. Google Workspace Welcome pageGoogle Workspace Welcome page
    You have successfully created a Google Workspace account and activated Gmail.Sign for Google Workspace and Get 10% Off by using the below coupons:
    • Google Workspace Business Starter Plan: 6AHDEQLMXG4J7UK
    • Google Workspace Business Standard Plan: NA3EAAL7APRRYY6

    If you run into an issue, connect with us to set up google workspace for your business.