Reliable web development company that cares for your success. We are the Best Web Development partner providing both front-end and back-end web application services.

.Consult a Design Expert

We are a reliable web development company providing top Website development and Website Maintenance services. Having handled several projects with many technical challenges gives us the insight and confidence required to help you grow your business.

Our Web Development Solutions

We understand how to build SEO Compliant Websites with a Compelling User Experience that increases your company’s ROI. Few of our web solutions we offer:

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Our focus is to provide you with feature-rich CMS(Content Management System) solutions that are secure, scalable, and easy to manage the website updates yourself, so you don’t have to pay any additional cost for the constant content changes you make on the website. We work on CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla, Custom PHP CMS, and Custom ASP.NET CMS.

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eCommerce Solutions

We provide end-to-end e-commerce solutions from scratch using PHP/ and customise open-source eCommerce solutions such as WooCommerce in WordPress, Magento, Shopware, Shopify, Prestashop, and Nopcommerce.

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CRM Solutions

We provide you with customised CRM solutions to provide direct communication to customers. It is primarily used in customer management, customer service, streamlining sales, and marketing. And it can also be extended to coordinate with different departments, from the Sales team to the Support team.

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Website Maintenance

Regular maintenance for your website site is essential to prevent downtime and protect your brand’s reputation. We regularly do website backups and performance checks, check for viruses and update the website when necessary.

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One-Page Website development

One-Page Design is the new trend, suited for small and start-up businesses that provide us with the simplicity of achieving more effective and very specific goals.

Do you wish to discuss your web project?

Great Team to work with as it comes to web development. Highly dedicated and committed to your project. Delivers on time and makes sure all issues are resolved promptly.

Shady E.

Digital Capsule (6+ Projects)

Our Process

We follow a research-driven approach to provide an effective solution.

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1. Consultation

Our first goal is to understand your requirements, i.e., purpose, target customers, what you want to achieve, colour choices, font choices etc. Hence our project manager will send you a brief questionnaire followed by several discussions via call/chat/email until we understand your vision.

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2. Plan

Once we understand your vision and depending on your requirement and scope, we provide a detailed project timeline, that is broken down into several milestones, which lists the requirements, cost, and payment policy. And upon you accepting this plan we sign an Agreement to start the project.

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3. Research and Ideation

We do thorough research on the market and competitors and generate a beneficial solution for your website. Based on the research we create structure, workflow and work on design ideas.

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4. WireFraming/Prototyping

At this stage, you can see your vision in pictures. Our designers prepare several design mockups for review.

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5. Testing and Evaluation

Depending on your project scope, we do this step and conduct usability testing to analyse user engagement and make improvements.

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6. Design Approval

After several reviews, you acknowledge the final design by approving it via email.

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7. Development

We develop the website/web application with the design mockups approved by you using the required website development skills. We build the website/web application at several incremental stages. Each incremental stage has development + Internal Testing phases, so all issues arising from internal testing are sent back to development again for fixes.

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8. Testing and Review

Once the website/web application is developed, it will be deployed in one of our testing servers and tested intensively against the website requirements, and any issues arising will be fixed. You will have access to this site and can do any tests you like.

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9. Deploy

After you approve the website on our testing server, The website is deployed to your chosen server/domain, and all deliverables (as per contract) will be provided to you.

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10. Support Guarantee

Post project completion, we provide 12 months of support for any errors arising from our work.

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11. Maintain

If you have chosen a monthly, bi-annual or annual maintenance agreement with us, we will ensure the website/web application runs smoothly. Our website maintenance specialist will monitor for errors, website uptime, and hosting issues and resolve the same as per the agreement.

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12. Evaluate And Grow

We continuously evaluate your website/web application for improvements and recommendations that can grow your online presence and give you every competitive advantage. .

Our Portfolio

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